Do you want to do something special for your mom for Mother’s Day this year? Does your mom go above and beyond? Is your mom a phenomenal woman and you want to let us know how?
The Warford Foundation is having a contest to see who the “Mother of the Year 2013” is. Express to us, in 500 words or less, why you believe your mother should receive our “Mother of the Year” 2013. Be as creative as possible! Feel free to include pictures, videos, etc. We want to see what you see in your mother!
Our contest begins TODAY Monday, April 15, 2013. Please send all submissions via email to , Subject: “MOTY2013 SUBMISSION.” In the email please be sure to include all contact information (first & last name, email, & telephone number). All entries will be reviewed by our board of directors and the final decision will be made by the CEO of The Warford Foundation. The deadline for all entries will be Sunday, May 5, 2013, by 5pm. The winner will be contacted via phone and/or email. YOU MUST BE LOCATED IN THE DC/MD/VA METROPOLITAN AREA, & OVER THE AGE OF 10, to participate in this contest!
Mother of the Year 2013 Contest Winner Receives:
• “Mother of the Year 2013” Certificate from The Warford Foundation
• Submission letter & Website placement on as the “Mother of the Year 2013”
• “Mother of the Year 2013” trophy from The Warford Foundation
• (2) Brunch Vouchers on the Odyssey Washington, DC
• (2) Tickets to DC LOVE FEST [Ft. Raheem Devaughn & Marsha Ambrosious] Saturday, May 11, 2013 at the Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C.
Looking forward to everyone’s submissions! If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly via email: .
Good Luck!
Carrie Lambert
Vice President for Special Events
The Warford Foundation Warford Foundation, Inc