We want to ensure Parthenia Warford, CEO and Founder, The Warford Foundation, Inc is nominated for Steve Harvey Neighborhood Award of Best Community Leader, Wednesday, May 27, 2014 nominate from 6am to 6pm EST online https://www.neighborhoodawards.com/. She has dedicated her time, and money from permanent disability income to the amelioration of single mother families through various programs:
Adopting a classroom purchasing all student school supplies, providing Thanksgiving meal for each family, creating Easter Baskets for student.
Providing money for textbooks for single mother nursing students.
Mentoring Program for entire single mother family including free cooking lessons, help creating budget and financial planning.
All single mother families will be involved in organic community garden project in Parthenia's backyard.
Please take a moment to nominate her here's the information you will need:
Parthenia Warford
Washington, DC
240 838 4144